Go ahead and jump start your fall makeup bag. Trial or travel size pick me ups are great for trying new product and restocking without breaking the bank. Product Product PRODUCT! You CAN have glowing skin through fall/winter.  Here's how we've done it for you because we're awesome!

-Biotin Vitamins: helps support healthy hair, skin, and  nails
-Alcohol-Free Toner: drugstore fav! Neutrogena has an alcohol-free toner thats won't strip skins natural moisturizers, doesn't dry out skin, & saves you $$$. (its the blue bottle)
-Hydrating cream: a MUST for fall. Something like Murad from Sephora works wonders on winter dry skin. (Body lotion is NOT for your face.) This hydrates and protects skin and they'll let try a trial for free!
-Lip moisturizer: quick pick me up at any drugstore. Nivea has all kinds of lip smoothers, moisturizers, & scented ones! 
-Makeup remover wipes: Yes! All year long. These are easy to find at any drugstore.
-Tissues: not just any old dry tissues, tissues with moisture. Last thing you need in the cold dry season is a rough tissue killing your skin. Puffs tissues work for me and can be found at your local Wal-Mart or Target :)

Well, that will be all for beauty ladies. Back to Fashion Week, chao!

Keep it a Chic Stylish YOU!