Monday, June 17, 2013


Basic beach days are over!! 
One of our favorite summer trends of this year is mix-matched bathing suits. The best part about it is that following this trend won't cost you an arm and a leg. Solid color bathing suits are haute, and you can play with the different colors as many ways as you want (pink with purple, blue with green, etc.) 

But don't be afraid to be a little bold and throw some prints in there as well! A printed bottom with a solid top is totally on trend (on so many levels) and super fun for the beach or pool! Or if you're feeling your inner fashionista needing to make an appearance, mix two different prints! Detail is huge this season (on & off the beach.) While looking for prints also be on the lookout for haute crocheted or lace pieces. Matched with a print, you'll set that pool party all the way off! So chic, you'll have everyone's attention. 

Another trend we're excited for here at PinkIndigo is chic one-piece bathing suits! Not all women are comfortable showing their bellies off, and finally fashion is understanding. Stores like Forever21 have gotten in on the trend, and they offer cute pieces for not bad prices. Find one with a flattering cut, or with a fun print; you can be comfortable in your skin and still be fly! 

And here's a tip:
If you're like me and you still have allllllllllllllllll your bathing suits (I know I'm not the only one), this season only buy a couple of new pieces that you can easily mix-n-match with the ones you already own. Try a pair a solid black bottoms, or a solid black top, easy to match with any of your other pieces. You can even mix your previously owned pieces with one another. It's an inexpensive way to still be totally haute this summer.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Kelly, Oh!

Back in 2002 we were let into the lives of British rock royalty and introduced to a trouble, young, punk-rock princess, Kelly Osbourne. We all remember her as sort of scary (she wasn't the type of girl you felt comfortable approaching) but today she is absolutely stunning and serves on the panel of the infamous fashion police. She has become quite the little fashion queen herself these days (or should I say sergeant?) Kelly is one of the most successful stories in fashion!

But that's not all she's been up to! Kelly's been on Dancing With The Stars, written a book, done a bit of singing, became a designer, been on recovery from addiction, and shed 70 lbs along the way making her a total weight-loss inspiration! The girl is only 28 years old! Go, girl!  In this month's Cosmo (on stands now) Kelly tells all about where she is in her life now compared to where she once was. She also gushes over her boyfriend, chef Matthew Mosshart, who is also present during the interview. They're incredibly in love and we couldn't be happier for the young starlet. This is just the beginning for her! 

Some favorite looks of Kelly:

P.S. We die over her lavender hair! She's staying true to herself and staying incredibly chic all at the same time!

Monday, May 13, 2013

XOX Betsey

Sunday night was the premiere of XOX Betsey Johnson on the style network (finally!) The show follows the over-the-top (in a good way) designer in her life and career today, and we are also officially introduced to LuLu, Betsey's beloved daughter. Betsey Johnson was a powerhouse gone broke, and yet is still kicking! And, of course, we're all standing behind her for support! #weloveBetsey

As girls, it is basically in our DNA to love everything Betsey Johnson. I mean, she has been around for years (the late, great Andy Warhol adored her work!) Her fun prints and bright colors have the ability to make any girl feel totally fabulous. Her whole line is a representation of herself! It's all so classic, and so Betsey! She is what every designer dreams of being- recognizable; you know something is Betsey Johnson as soon as you see it! There was a time, not too long ago, when you could physically shop inside a Betsey store. But the hardships that came with our failing economy affected everyone, even for one of the most influential names in fashion; Betsey Johnson stores everywhere closed in April 2012. 

Do you really think a little financial trouble could stop this perfectly eccentric lady? Of course not! Recently Betsey was bought by shoe-god Steve Madden, and they have been working vigorously to get the Betsey Johnson brand back and make it even bigger! She is truly one of a kind, and I think that's why, even in a time of crisis, her brand has never really gone away. The show (airing Sundays @ 8pm) doesn't only follow her in her personal life, we get to watch her re-build her empire! And, quite frankly, we cannot wait!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

PInk Friday: PInk Health Tips!

Dieting sucks! Let's just put it out there. Forget all the fad-diets all over the internet and stick to the good stuff. Just stop eating so much Taco Bell! And cut out all those fatty snacks you eat between meals! There's plenty of ways to incorporate healthy eats in your everyday lifestyle, and when the foods you're eating are already good there is no need to diet.

Start adding "superfruits" to your day-to-day snacks. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but acai berries can prevent cancer (that's why it's a superfruit!) Other superfruits include goji berries and pomegranate. While theses flavors have also become popular among fruits, and even candy, the best way to intake your fruit is whole. The whole fruit holds water, fiber and other nutrients the body needs for the cells to fight away diseases like cancer, and also slow the aging process.

Try skipping the salt. With food manufacturers replacing trans fat with salt, they're just removing one harmful chemical and adding another. It's critical to keep your salt intake low; an overage of salt in the body can lead to problems such as high blood pressure. The American Medical Association says we, on average, should actually take in about 50% less sodium (that means limiting ourselves to 2,300 mg per day.)

Detoxing is a bit of a fad (thanks to Oprah, of course,) and maybe that's way most nutritionists do not recommend it, at all. Detoxes are said to help your body feel good by ridding it of harmful toxins, as well as helping you to lose weight. They can be dangerous, often causing fainting and fatigue. If you want to diet like Oprah, stick with her focus on fruits and veggies. Forget anything that tells you to skip sold food!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Is it haute in here?

Or is it just Ciara in her new video for her hit single "Body Party?"

Ciara is, like, the epitome of "fly." She's got a rockin' hot body, stunning facial features, and a wardrobe that any girl can envy. The star is known for rocking everything from baggy pants and a snapback to a couture gown and heels, and she wears them both well, honey! However, we love her tomboy look the most (cargo shorts are hard for some girls to pull off!) One of our new favorite looks comes from a particular scene in her latest video.. There's a huge party and she's at the pool.. Anyways, she's wearing a black muscle tank that reads "BALLIN" in gold foil and a pair of black Harem pants (a must-have for summer!) Ciara was working (more like weerrrrrkkking) a haute, purple lip with RayBan sunnies and bulky, gold accessories. Not only did she look super chic, this is an easy outfit to recreate on your own and still be on trend for SS13!

Not only is she sexy, stylish and totally gorgeous in the video, she's also in love! The world was shocked (in a good way) when CiCi revealed her boyfriend of almost a year is fellow Atlanta-based musician Future. The well-known rapper makes a special cameo appearance in the new video & Ciara even gives him a special sexy-time dance!

(I just think they look so perfect together!!)

Check out the video for yourself!

Friday, May 3, 2013

PInk Friday: Haute Fitness!

It's almost time to take those vacation days, ladies. Elle magazine has the tricks to getting the bikini bod you really with their 21 day routine.
It's not 21 days of continuous, agonizing workouts; it's a mixtures of different steps to take each day to move you closer and closer to your goal size. There's more to getting in shape than just hitting the gym. It requires lots of sleep, good foods (by "good" we mean HEALTHY,) and you need to be relaxed. 

Padma Lakshmi, the epitome of perfect bikini bod.

Here are the day-by-day steps you should totally try:

1. Get Adequate Amounts of Sleep 

Studies show that getting eight hours of sleep help prevents weight gain. Sleep-deprived weight gain is caused by two hormones called leptin and ghrelin. When you're experiencing a lack of sleep, levels of leptin (appetite suppressant) fall and your levels of ghrelin (appetite stimulant) rise. This causes you to be hungrier than you would be otherwise

2. Detox Responsibly

Oz Garcia, PhD. (nutrition specialist for the ever-so-fab Heidi Klum) suggests trying a three-day juice fast through programs such as Blueprint Cleanse or Organic Avenue. One to three days before beginning the cleanse try to eat super healthy (this includes no red meat, dairy, or peanut butter,) this helps ease the body into the cleanse and makes your detox more effective.

3. Attain Washboard Abs

You can't go wrong with crunches... Actually, you can. According to wellness expert, David Kirsch (fitness guru to the lovely Kerry Washington,) 15 perfect crunches are way more effective than 50 sloppy ones. According to Kirsch's new fitness book the proper form for crunches is to lie on a towel or mat with your knees at a 45-degree angle and feet flat. Place hands at the back of your head with fingers locked and lower back flat against the floor (“Imagine there’s a magnet in your belly button pulling you down.”) Fixing your eyes on the ceiling, lift from your shoulders—not your neck. Exhale at the top of the movement and inhale on the way back down to the floor.

4. Burn Calories with Cold Water

After your workout, nothing tastes better than an ice-cold water. Also, it spreads faster through the body than lukewarm water. The cold re-energizes you faster, and cools you off from the inside. But how does it burn caloriesAs your body warms the liquid to its temperature, you burn between 17 and 25 calories per glass. 

5. Enroll in an Exercise Class

We all know how hard it is to stay motivated and actually workout consistently, so signing up for a class at your gym a couple times a week is a great way to keep moving and burn off that fat. Find a class that fits your personality and pay up front, that way breaking a sweat is nonnegotiable.

6. Book a Massage

Body work and massages are “critical,” says Dr. Garcia They reduce levels of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline (which have been linked to weight gain) and increase feel-good hormones, serotonin and dopamine. Getting regular massages can increase relaxation and blood circulation (and decrease bloating.)

7. Squeeze in Outdoor Exercise

The warm weather gives even the laziest of us no excuse to not get moving. Even just walking outside for 20-40 minutes can make all the difference. You can even use your lunch hour at work to take a little stroll. “This is enough to get your endorphins up, improve your mood, and help you regulate your cravings better,” says Dr. Garcia.

8. Embrace Healthful Carbs 

CARBS ARE NECESSARY! Yes, it is okay to eat carbs, the good carbs! Select the healthy kind- fruits and veggies like cantaloupe, berries, green beans, and cauliflower, which are full of fiber and absorbed slowly into the bloodstream. Bread junkies, such as myself, do not fret! Try whole-wheat breads instead of processed, these have lots of fiber and are awesome for your digestive system.

9. Watch Less TV

According to ELLE, a study by Yale University found that TV viewers who saw snack commercials were inspired to eat just about anything (regardless of whether they were actually hungry!) The most successful dieters, say experts, watch less than the adult average of four hours per day and weigh in at less than 10 hours per week. But if you must snack, try a yummy yogurt or yogurt-based with some low-fat pretzels.

10. Don't Follow the Crowd

Don't let your friends poor food choices influence your own! According to a 2007 study by Harvard University social scientist, Nicholas Christakis, and University of California at San Diego professor, James Fowler, weight gain is socially transmissible from one person to another. Since then, further research supports this claim, suggesting that when dining in large groups, people have a tendency to consume more by way of subconscious imitation. When dining in a large group watch what goes on and off of your plate. Try starting with a broth-based soup or crouton-and-cheese-less salad before your meal. A low-calorie appetizer leads you to have fewer calories during your meal.

11. Score a Perky Posterior

We all want that perfect butt, and your haute bikini is the best way to show it off! Keep it tight, however. lol! Squats or lunges are a surefire way to firm your glutes. Do two sets with 12 to 15 repetitions (add light hand weights for more of a workout). Another tush-firming exercise: Choose steps over the elevator at work or at the mall, and/or do a hard-core stair workout at home. Run up and down as fast as you can for 30 seconds, then slow-climb for two minutes (repeat this routine for a half hour). 

12. Trade Coffee for Green Tea

Green tea has the amount of caffeine you need to keep your energy going throughout your day. Coffee causes cravings and will make you hungrier in the long run. Green tea, on the other hand, is a powerful antioxidant and natural diuretic that can help control your cravings and raise your metabolism. Dr. Garcia suggests drinking four cups a day.

13. Apply Anti-Cellulite Cream

Workouts aren't 100% effective when it comes to cellulite. Add the anti-cellulite cream to your everyday routine. The visible results may only last about 24 hours, but the cream is full of all sorts of good things like caffeine, seaweed, herbs, spices, and bioflavonoids that temporarily diminish dimples. A cream with self-tanner is actually better because the darkening skin will create an optical illusion. “Darker skin absorbs more light than it reflects, and so the surface appears smoother to the eye,” says Meredith Baraf, Victoria’s Secret bronzing expert.

14. Sip Red Wine, not Beer

“Red wine is soothing, and it’s also good for your heart,” says Garcia about the antioxidant-packed beverage. According to a recent study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, light to moderate alcohol consumption (especially red wine) is not only good for the heart, it's also good for the waistline. Though a glass of wine contains about 150 calories, subjects who drank one to two glasses per day over the course of 13 years gained less weight than nondrinkers. How? Resveratrol, a compound present in grapes, appears to inhibit the development of fat cells.

15. Go for a Ride

There's a million ways to tighten those thighs, but the more enjoyable way is to ride your bike. Whether it's a spinning class or going for a ride through your neighborhood. It burns calories and gets those legs looking haute.

16. Cut Back on Starchy Grains

“Wheat tends to bloat you—it makes you hold water, it inflames you, it makes you gassier, and it increases cravings. It’s one of the most important foods to limit on the menu,” says Garcia. Eating a healthy starch like a slice of whole grain bread or cup of steamed brown rice at lunchtime is okay, but avoid white bread at all costs, adds Kirsch.

17. Tone Your Arms

Push-ups are nothing new, right? But that's because they get the job done right and they don't require any weights or equipment. The perfect push-up starts with your perfect alignment, start in front of a mirror so you can make sure you're perfectly straight at all times. Another arm-toning exercise in a hurry is shoulder rotations. Easy enough, right? Do thirty sets, frontwards and backwards.

18. Fill Up on Good Fats

Before you dig into that fettuccine Alfredo, take note: The type of fat you ingest is key, so stick with the “good” fats—the essential fatty acids found in avocado and virgin olive oil. “After water, fat is the most abundant substance in your body. Fats from animal and vegetable sources provide a concentrated source of energy in the diet and are the building blocks for cell membranes, hormones, and prostaglandins,” says dermatologist and wellness expert Nicholas Perricone, MD.

19. Pack On Protein

Protein is not only for building muscle, it's also a potent calorie-burner because your body has to work so hard to digest it. Women are encouraged to eat 8 to 10 ounces of protein, preferably from fish, three to four times a week. Beans, nuts, eggs, and vegetable sources like soy and tofu are also great proteins.

20. Don't Skip Breakfast 

Never underestimate the benefits of jump-starting your day with a protein-rich breakfast. An eight-week study done by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center of Louisiana State University System found that those who ate an eggs-and-toast combo versus bagel and cream cheese reduced their waists by 83 percent more. Researchers also found that subjects who ate eggs in the morning instead of a bagel went on to consume fewer calories over the next 24 hours. 

21. Be Green 

Mama was right, eat your spinach! Dr. Kirsch calls spinach, broccoli, and asparagus “the dieting MVP” because of their nutrient-dense quality (each contain loads of antioxidants, vitamins, calcium, iron, and folic acid). Plus: “They’re very filling and relatively low in calories. They’re also void of sugar, which can bloat you,” says Kirsch.

*all photos from

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Bolder, the Better.

You’re day-to-day makeup can get boring, right? Every nowand then you need to feel haute again and there’s nothing wrong with a littlechange. Harper’s Bazaar has the chicest beauty trend for everyday and, getthis, it takes less than five minutes.

A super fab way of chic-ing up your everyday look is rockinga bold lip. And by bold I don’t mean your typical red lip; I’m talking darkglamour, bold lips. Deep purples, and even blacks, are so fierce and are sureto catch everyone’s attention. Be cautious, however, and invest in a goodlipstick. Cheap ones smear and smudge, so treat yourself to a little Sephorashopping and buy something that will last. Try Kat Von D.’s “Homegirl”lipstick, available in Sephora stores for only $19.00.

The only way to pull off such a bold lip successfully is toadd minimal makeup to the rest of the face. Sultry neutrals were spotted allover the runways of SS13 and are even hauter off the catwalks. We suggestkeeping the color palette closer to nude and compliments the skin tone, as wellas eye color. Deep black mascara is always the perfect complement to any eye.Urban Decay’sNaked: Basics” palette is the perfect investment because thecolors vary enough to go from sweet to sultry, while still complimenting theskin tone.

The completed look is to die! All eyes will be on you wherever you may be; at work or going to eat with your hubby, this look is the perfect go-to for just the right amount of glamour.