Thursday, May 9, 2013

PInk Friday: PInk Health Tips!

Dieting sucks! Let's just put it out there. Forget all the fad-diets all over the internet and stick to the good stuff. Just stop eating so much Taco Bell! And cut out all those fatty snacks you eat between meals! There's plenty of ways to incorporate healthy eats in your everyday lifestyle, and when the foods you're eating are already good there is no need to diet.

Start adding "superfruits" to your day-to-day snacks. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but acai berries can prevent cancer (that's why it's a superfruit!) Other superfruits include goji berries and pomegranate. While theses flavors have also become popular among fruits, and even candy, the best way to intake your fruit is whole. The whole fruit holds water, fiber and other nutrients the body needs for the cells to fight away diseases like cancer, and also slow the aging process.

Try skipping the salt. With food manufacturers replacing trans fat with salt, they're just removing one harmful chemical and adding another. It's critical to keep your salt intake low; an overage of salt in the body can lead to problems such as high blood pressure. The American Medical Association says we, on average, should actually take in about 50% less sodium (that means limiting ourselves to 2,300 mg per day.)

Detoxing is a bit of a fad (thanks to Oprah, of course,) and maybe that's way most nutritionists do not recommend it, at all. Detoxes are said to help your body feel good by ridding it of harmful toxins, as well as helping you to lose weight. They can be dangerous, often causing fainting and fatigue. If you want to diet like Oprah, stick with her focus on fruits and veggies. Forget anything that tells you to skip sold food!

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