Sunday, January 20, 2013

Style Rookie- Tavi Gevinson

THE Tavi “more notorious than the Betsey cartwheel” Gevinson: 16 years old household name in the fashion world. 

When she was 11, she created a blog, "Style Rookie," that captured the attention of designers, editors and many industry insiders! As the ‘unknown’ once said, “This was the first day of the rest of our lifes” 

At 11 Gevinson was receiving invitations to New York Fashion Week, appeared on artsy magazine covers also becoming close buds with Kate and Laura Mulleavy, aka the Rodarte sisters.

Currently at 16 Tavi is StyleRookie's founder-editor, and her imprint is everywhere, from a DIY tutorial on "How to Turn Your Tights Into Knee Socks"! :o  --à
What inspired Tavi? Why a fashion blog? Of all the blogs did she ever think HER’S would be “the one”?

“When I started Rookie, there were a lot of girls like me who had fashion blogs and loved getting dressed up and thinking about appearance, not in a stressful women’s magazine way, but in a creative way. I can understand how some feminists who’ve fought against things like style or beauty defining all women might feel confused about how we can discuss self-esteem and being your own person but also write so much about fashion.” –Tavi

We’re excited to see what Tavi G does in her future in fashion. She had made quite the name for herself and was/is living out every fashionistas dream before hitting her Freshman Year in high school! Will we see a clothing line come to life in the near future? What hot male arm candy will we see in Tavi’s future?  Do you think she rocks out to J ‘believer’ Beiber? And our biggest question would be, what next for miss. Gevinson?

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