Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Cleaning Your Closet: Tips, Tricks, etc.

The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and your nose is beginning to run for no reason at all. It's springtime once again, and spring means it is time for new growth and rebirth. Springtime also means it's time to cracking on that over-flowing closet of yours. No more boots and coats, it's time to make some space in your favorite room! The Huffington Post ( has provided a list of twelve effective tips to getting that closet summertime ready! According to their spring cleaning article, "it's time to purge, donate and store." So let's get going!


The Tips:
  1. Purge- anything that is beyond repair. Those torn-up Ke$ha tights have no place taking up valuable space in your closet. You can easily buy more (because you can get them cheapppppp) next winter.
  2. Store- your "valuables." Not necessarily your jewelry, but any furs, leather or suede need to be stored away properly for the hot seasons. HP says, "Cover them with cloth garment bags and store in a dark, dry closet."
  3. Store- Actually, REstore, your boots. If you're anything like me, you may have spent a pretty penny on an awesome pair of boots and there is no sense in letting them go to waste. Once you're done with your boots for the season, take the to your local cobbler to have the patch the soles and shine them for you.
  4. Store- your sweaters properly. Granny used her mothballs for a reason, ladies. Without them those irritating critters will ruin your favorite top! Hang mothballs in some socks in your closet to keep the pests away. Or you can try HP's suggestion of using a couple cedar blocks in the closet, they work and they will give your clothes a nice, woodsy smell.
  5. Donate- anything you cannot fit! I know they used to be your favorite skinnies, and if you could just lose a few pounds you'll be right back in them. Either lose the weight, or let them go! Donate all items that are still in good condition to your local Goodwill, or you can take them to places such as Cillie's or Plato's Closet to make a little cash from your gently used items (that's a PinkIndigo tip there ;D .)
  6. "Edit your jeans." You buy jeans year-round thinking you love every pair, but in reality you only wear a couple favorites. Again, any items that are still in good condition can be donated to your local Goodwill/Salvation Army or you can sell them! Don't leave them lying around, however, they're just taking up precious space.
  7. Donate- (or purge) your old coats and sweaters. The vintage look is always in, but you want it to look chic. You don't want it to look old, right? After you wash/dry-clean the items you can donate them to
  8. Restore- your old clothes. Maybe you've lost a little weight (go, girl) and some of your fave spring items are a little big this time around. No worries. Just take the items to a seamstress to have them tailored. It may cost a little, but it'll be totally worth it to see yourself in those awesome, FITTED clothes!
  9. Donate- your bridesmaid dresses! And (for the younger girls) your prom dresses! GET RID OF THEM! You have no purpose for these dresses hanging around, but there is a girl out there who desperately needs one. guarantees your dress will find a good, new home.
  10. Restore- your sandals. The same way with your boots, you may have paid a little much for those to-die sandals. So, naturally, you wore them every chance you got. Don't let them go to waste, take them to the cobbler as well. Get your soles and such fixed and wear them again this year.
  11. Restore- your spring dresses! Same rules apply here as they do for your sandals.
  12. ORGANIZE- Now that you've gotten rid of all the ridiculous clutter, it is time to whip that closet into shape. Turn all of your clothes facing the same way in your closet. Then, separate them by category: tops, skirts, pants, etc. Once in their respective places, you can then feel free to organize them by color within each section. Buy a shoe rack to hang on the back of your closet door, or if that doesn't work for you, buy a shoe holder that slides underneath the bed. Just pick them up off the floor basically.


Now here's a tip from Chic, Stylish Us!
Don't be afraid to incorporate some of your fall pieces into your spring collection. Light sweaters and skinnies (especially colored denim) are perfect for those cool Spring nights. You can even rock a couple pairs of flats in the Spring.

Are you totally confused or have no idea where to even begin in your closet? Don't worry, doll! We know exactly what to do! Hire us at PinkIndigo to get your closet spring-cleaned for you. Feel free to contact us! 

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