Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Viva La 90's..?

The fashion world is a bipolar place. Things are always changing, and fashion is always in a different mood. Trends come and go like seasons (hint, hint,) things are in one minute and out the next. But there are exceptions to the rule. Every now and then a trend comes around and sticks, and sometimes trends are resurrected. The 90's provided plenty of those; it seems like the trends from my childhood are now once again the "cool" look. Or are they? PinkIndigo's got the major retro trends; the ones we love, as well as the ones that should have never made it to the new millennium.

For example, Dungarees (yes, you read it correctly) are making their way back onto the streets and are totally precious. You can stay cute with the look and wear a floral print, or be super chic and purchase a haute leather pair. It's a fun look and can totally be worn a number of different ways.

Dungarees by Asos

Know what else started in the 90's? Boys with bleached hair. Sorry, Chris Brown, you're not that original (LOL!) Justin Timberlake and, of course, Sisqo are the real originators of the trend! Dying your hair definitely makes a statement, but what statement are these guys trying to make exactly? 

(My! He has come a long way!)

"STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON...." Everywhere you look today you see somebody in a Raiders' Snapback! Male, female, everyone! We all know the OG's (Triple OG's of the rap game,) N.W.A. of course, began this trend back in the day just by wanting to represent their hometown. The trend stuck because it automatically adds edge to your look, plus the black and silver matches everything! 

Long live Doc Marten! A 90's trend that we as fashionistas are basically required to love for all eternity because you can't get a better boot than a Dr. Martens. They come in all forms and you can get them with the most awesome prints ever. Get your hipster on, it's okay in this case!

Manpris? Sorry, guys. You either need to be in pants or shorts! This should never have even been a trend, it's gotta go!

Which 90's trend will forever be around no matter happens, ever?!?!!! AIR JORDANS. As long as there are boys, Jordans will be in style. It's a constant sneaker favorite that even gets grown men excited to go shopping. The legendary Michael Jordan started the sneaker line with Nike back in 90's and he has been cashing in ever since. I mean, he does make the best sneaker around. 

What trends do you think should come back, or which ones do they think should stay in the past? 

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